How I Learned Programming

How I Learned Programming


9 min read

Hey guys, my name is Shanjai Raj and I am a Full-stack developer from Sri Lanka. I love to create blog posts and make YouTube videos.

Just a little introduction, I got started to learn web development since I was 14, got started from a Free Bootcamp, then started learning and exploring more technologies and making more side projects and this was the way that I learned Front end Development. So, you can learn Web Development any time you want.

At the end after reading this blog, you will be able to get some tips and improve in learning Web development. So, be sure to read the blog fully. Also, after reading this, let me know how you learned web development as well.

I got started with learning Bootstrap, and at that time, we were not taught too much in-depth but, we were taught the basics of Bootstrap, such as having a Navbar and having Carousels etc. At the end of the Bootcamp, we had to build a project and submit it. So our team made a website for gamers, where gamers could see information about the games they play. After we had created it and submitted it, it was the best projects among all the other projects. This encouraged me to learn more about Web Development, as until then I thought Bootstrap was the only technology you would need to build a website.

Although I wanted to explore more into Web Development, I had my exams and my school work, therefore, I was not able to learn more Web Development.

Although I did get away from Web Development, once in a while during my exams and my school work, I thought about creating a website for my self. After my exams, I had already left the interest in Web Development.

However, at the point, my brother and I were very much interested in Graphic designing, so in order to get design clients, we had to showcase our services and for that, we had to have a Website. We tried many platforms like Wix and PortfolioBox, but nothing seemed to work out for us, because we did not have full control over the design that the website had. So, at that point, I decided, that I wanted to learn Web Development and build a Portfolio website for my self.

Then I learned HTML and CSS, and build a very bad looking website as my Portfolio. However, I was amazed by the result of it, and I thought that if I learned more about it, I could build much better websites. So, my brother was also interested in how I made the website and then we started learning Web Development.

The main thing you could take away and learn from is that many developers got into Programming because they want to build something they want and they had to learn Programming to build it, which got them into Programming. You should have something that you would want to build in order to learn more about Web Development. For example, If you want to learn Mobile Development, there should be a reason why you want to learn it, only then you will keep learning it even though there are many errors that make you not want to learn it anymore. But, for example, you want to create a Productivity app, and learning Mobile Development is the way you can build it, then you will learn it much more easily and keep learning it without stopping.

After I learned more HTML and CSS, I started building small side projects with it. I really liked designing websites as well and having good UI on websites. Then, I came across a video called Javascript in 10 minutes, I previously also did here about Javascript for creating dynamic functionality to a website. So, I watched that video and it got me interested in Javascript and then I took a free course on Javascript from YouTube and started learning that as well.

Then I started my YouTube channel, by getting inspired by channels like Traversy Media. I started posting tutorials on basic Javascript projects and this increased by understanding on Javascript and then I made more and more tutorials on my channel.

This understanding helped me a lot when I wanted to learn a Javascript framework like React js. React increased my interest in Web Development a lot and then I made more tutorials on React Projects and this also increased my understanding on React.

After learning React, I got into learning Backend and getting into Full stack development. I am currently learning the MERN stack and building Full-stack side projects.

If you really want to understand something, teach it. Many people say this and this is true. You can do this by starting a YouTube channel or writing Blog posts. You could check out my video on starting a Programming related Blog in 2021. By teaching what you learnt, you are learning it again which increases your understanding of what you are teaching.

This is how I learned about Web Development. I could have learnt it much faster, but I had school and exams which created delays in learning it. This is a lot shorter Blog, however, I hope you got some insight and some tips on how you can learn Web Development or Programming in General.

If this Blog was helpful and if you think my content in General, you could support me through buying me a coffee, which will help me make much better content for Developers. I would appreciate any help, but if you are not able to, that is totally fine. โ˜• Buy me a Coffee

If you want to sharpen your skills by starting a Blog, check out this video where I share about how to get started with Blogging - Starting a Development Blog in 2021

If you are interested in my content, you could check out my YouTube channel, where I have tutorials and also other videos related to Programming and Web Development ๐Ÿ”ด YouTube channel

That's it for me, let me know if you want to see a video on this topic. Also let me know, whether this was helpful and some tips on how you learned Programming which will be helpful.

I will be writing 2 Blogs every week on many topics related to Programming, so make sure you stay tuned.

Thanks and Have a nice Day! Shanjai Raj